KeKoa, or Warrior in Hawaiian, was was a big snuggler and a best friend to his Mom. He loved playing with his big brother, a beautiful shepherd mix, all the more reason why he lived up to his warrior name.

Panda Panda is 13 years old and we have been together since she was only 6 weeks! She moved to Hawaii 2 years ago and is loving it! Panda's favorite thing is FOOD, you can find her begging for food, searching for food and eating food. One day I couldn't find her for a few minutes outside and then saw just the tips of her feet sticking out of the trashcan. She had crawled in from the carport level and was completely upside down eating trash. This is how much she loves food!

Pearl is a funny spontaneous dog. She loves to play, but loves food more 💜

This sweetie was rescued from the Wine Country, hence the spirit inspired name.

Charlie barking more than ANYTHING! She only has a little nub for a tail, so she really has to SHAKE it to get her point across.

Boomer is a snuggle boy!